Thursday, June 25, 2009

Online Job/Career Search

Looking for work online? Here are a few suggestions. I previously mentioned USA Jobs. This federal government website is part of the US government's global personnel management system.  
For first timers it can be found at:
The US government is the largest employer in the USA and offer many international positions. Especially after a change in regime such as from a Republican Party led to a Democratic Party led government.

Uncle Sam wants You. The US government employs millions of people and there are always many new listed positions. Think in broad spectrum. The US government is looking for people in every possible capacity. Including businessmen, doctors, lawyers, accountants, postal workers, pilots, forestry and wildlife service workers, fisheries biologists, office workers, teachers, journalists, cafeteria workers, managers in all fields, and you.

If you have any experience in any field there is a position for you. Check the foreign service possibilities with the Department of State, Department of Commerce, US foreign military bases.
Just complete your profile and resume online and look for jobs in your area of expertise or location.

Official Website is at:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Working On Line

Being able to work, provide yourself, your family from the comfort of home is an ideal. It can be done, but usually it takes about six months to start earning a good incomes using Search Engine Optimization or Pay Per Click Advertising.

Working "online" offers many different opportunities. You have probably heard of Google AdWords and eBay auctions. These are good methods, but do require a certain amount of expertise and investment. This is an area you may want to venture if you have a little bit of cash that you can afford with which to experiment.

Many of you have probably been hit with lots of email "offers." As you should be aware, there are lots of scams, tricksters and so called bargains. Most are not illegal, it is just marketing designed to draw you in and entice you with outrageous promises. However, I must say that honesty and integrity are sometimes hard to come by. What is real or what is pie-in-the-sky. Can a person make an honest living on the internet from home? One ad may read FREE, just pay the shipping and handling.

Just keep in mind they meant a "10 day free trial." However, now they have your credit card number and there could be a charge of $1299.99 on your statement that you may not see for 60 days. By that time you may have forgotten all about the item that you paid $3.95 for shipping and handling charges. Hopefully, you received the item and returned it within 30 days.

Can one make a living from the internet without any experience or investment? Yes, if one is careful and knows where to look. There are some good survey companies on line. You could earn $5.00 or more per survey taken and take as many as you want per day. Two are to be found at: Canadian Surveys and for US, through Survey Club.

Another Survey Company is Make Money Taking Surveys .org. However, do not let the "org" fool you. This company will charge you $68.00 to set up. Once set up, they advertise making $10 to $40 per survey. The average survey will take you about 20 minutes. Three surveys per hour is $30.00. If you work a four hour day that could be $120.00

BE VERY CAREFUL, DO NOT click on any surveys that offer you a free laptop or "free" anything. You will probably regret it. These are marketing websites-gimmicks designed to make you sign up for (buy) at least two "offers" before you even qualify to enter a raffle for the "Free Laptop" So you see, that "Free Laptop" could will cost you, and plenty if you repeatedly sign on.

If you have a bachelor or master degree in anything, you could apply to The Educational Testing Service. these are the people who give you all those fabulous tests, like the Scholastic Aptitude Test, and many more. They need people to work from home, periodically, but year round, scoring tests.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"Professor Ben"

Some of you may want to know about my blog handle, "Prof Ben." --I am a retired professor. I taught international marketing/business management to hundreds of graduate and undergraduate students. I love teaching, but dislike all the paperwork, department politics, and parking hassles that are the norm of any commuter attending a university.

I believe in education, and the right to education for all who desire to learn. However, education can come from many areas besides the classroom: learning a trade as an apprentice, perhaps to your father, exercising practical hands-on experience is actually the best method for learning. The internet once one is proficient on the computer, can provide this experience in learning SEO learning and PPC/PPV advertising. I too want to make a little retirement income from the internet with my internet income, I am planning to create a non-profit corporation to fund books, supplies, desks, and support teachers working in lesser developed countries.

I also believe that everyone on this planet who wants and needs to work, should be given the opportunity to do so. We could all be farmers, hunters and gatherers, but these basic modes of existance is past for most of us. The best future farm for sowing and reaping an income is through the internet. Most corporations are advertising on the internet, some exclusively. Websites, like are set up to globally advertise position opportunities.

The internet is an excellent media for finding a career position or instruction. However, it is not universal. It is currently dominated by the English language (after all, ARAPANET was US Military, most of the major software corporations are American.) English is now the language for global commerce, scientific communication, and international transportation. However, only 10% or less actually speak native English. For the internet to become universal, we should also address the 90% who do not speak native English.

This is the area where we, on the internet need to concentrate on supporting other languages and cultures with our SEO, advertising, education, and all manner of internet communication. There is also great opportunity here, for those that can create cross-cultural, multi-lingual, SEO and advertisement. Personnally, I am fluent in four languages and I am familiar with several cultures. English does not always translate well. The French still resist English, The Germans and Dutch accept it, but would prefer to communicate in their own language and for the most part do so on the internet. However, to be able to get inside these cultures and 100 more is now the task at hand.